How Many Hours Do You Sleep Per Night? Here's Your Personality

Less Than 3 Hours

The way that you sleep may say a lot about the type of personality that you have. So, it only makes sense to start off from the very "bottom" of the pile. Keep in mind that this category can also encompass those who are considered to be insomniacs. Sleeping less than three hours in total is generally associated with those who are under a great deal of stress and take their lives very seriously.How Many Hours do You Sleep Per Night? Here's Your Personality
They can be addicted to their work; often performing job-related tasks up to an hour before laying down to rest. Unsurprisingly, this is the same type of person who is likely to suffer from conditions such as fatigue and health problems. Although they are well aware that they have a sleeping problem, they tend to do little about it. However, there is a potential silver lining here. Genius minds such as Thomas Alva Edison and Leonardo DaVinci were some of the most famous and productive insomniacs in the world. They would both take "cat naps" of no more than 20 minutes at a time throughout the day and evening.

Between 3 and 5 Hours

Those who sleep between three and five hours a night tend to be highly focused on their work and their family life. It can be difficult for them to put the tasks of the day out of their mind and even their dreams can reflect these worries. As this individual will often awake feeling quite tired, they are the least likely to exhibit the attributes of a "morning person". Interestingly enough, this category now comprises a sizeable portion of the workforce within the United Kingdom.How Many Hours do You Sleep Per Night? Here's Your Personality
This type of sleeper is also prone to have relationship problems, for such a tiredness can frequently manifest itself in a short temper, frequent outbursts and a general sense of dissatisfaction. Still, this individual is quite loyal to his or her family and is heavily focused on their needs (even if the sacrifice of sleep is the end result). Like the insomniac mentioned earlier, sleeper of between three and five hours will often feel "under the weather" and as their immune systems are generally lower, they can be more prone to illness.

Between 5 and 7 hours

Sleeping between five and 7 hours a night is the most common pattern to be observed (the mean time being six hours a night). As the individual has adopted the routine of their work, they tend to be early risers along with their partner. However, getting less sleep during any single night can leave one feeling tired and unproductive. This individual is also more likely to rely upon coffee throughout the day to keep alert and it is not uncommon to take a nap to make up for any lost sleep during the previous night.How Many Hours do You Sleep Per Night? Here's Your Personality
Although this sleeper exhibits a well-balanced personality, he or she may feel "trapped" within their current routine and as if they are leading an unfulfilled life. They tend to be family-oriented individuals and may find it difficult to get to sleep without their partner on their side. Thus, a business trip or a holiday could prove to be slightly more disruptive than it would in regards to someone who sleeps less.

Between 8 and 10 Hours

We now begin to see the other end of the spectrum. While those who sleep between eight and ten hours are not as common as the other categories, their personality traits are often quite obvious. Sleeping for this long signals that one could feel overwhelmed in terms of their daily responsibilities. They are likely to have long and highly detailed dreams. These dreams will stay with them through the day; representing an escape mechanism from reality.How Many Hours do You Sleep Per Night? Here's Your Personality
This much sleep is also associated with a mental "dullness"; especially in the morning. It takes longer to get out of bed and these sleepers will frequently need the use of an alarm clock to wake. Much like individuals who sleep very little, those who sleep excessively are prone to develop health issues. Lengthy sleepers tend to be more overweight due to this sedentary lifestyle. Higher instances of depression can also be seen within this group. Interestingly enough, this type of personality will often claim that they never feel quite rested even though they have enjoyed copious amounts of sleep.

10 Hours or More

Sleeping ten hours or more can be the sign of a real mental or medical illness. Barring a physical condition, those who sleep more than ten hours are three times as likely to suffer from severe depression as well as a host of other problems. These can include anxiety, agoraphobia, poor social skills and a heightened sense of stress in situations when such feelings are not appropriate.How Many Hours do You Sleep Per Night? Here's Your Personality
They can become isolated from the world around them and in turn, they may actually begin to sleep MORE than before. This lack of physical activity is likewise associated with a blunted personality. It can be difficult to make friends and if a friend is present, it is just as challenging to keep him or her. Sleeping ten hours or more is also related to a solitary existence. As proper social functioning may have been ablated, these individuals are likely to take only menial jobs and they can switch employment several times throughout the year.

More Than Hours Alone

We should not forget that these descriptions were all under the assumption that the hours of sleep were taken in succession. In other words, the sleep was not broken. It is important to mention here that our personality can also be affected by the patterns of sleep themselves.How Many Hours do You Sleep Per Night? Here's Your Personality
As we mentioned previously, taking the common "cat nap" was seen as commonplace for minds such as Edison and DaVinci. In fact, this habit has been associated with genius and innovation. What are some of the other patterns that may say something about who we are?

Broken Sleep

This is one of the most common issues that all of us tend to suffer from at one time or another. A broken pattern of sleep can indicate that we are prone to a stressful and overworked personality. We may take our jobs too seriously. We can have difficulty letting minor problems go; instead dwelling on them far longer than is normally necessary.How Many Hours do You Sleep Per Night? Here's Your Personality
Arguments can be common and many sleepers are overly critical of themselves. Staggered sleep can also make it difficult to maintain a steady relationship and these individuals are much more likely to be single. While proficient workers, they will always run a fine line between happiness and feelings of stagnation.

The Half-and-Half Sleeper

This is the individual who goes to sleep at a decent time only to wake up in the middle of the night. He or she will stay awake for between thirty minutes and one hour before returning to bed. This is surprisingly healthy pattern and is said to be the most natural. He or she normally wakes up feeling well rested and ready to tackle the day at hand.How Many Hours do You Sleep Per Night? Here's Your Personality
Enthusiasm and verve dominate this personality although sometimes an over-eager approach may slightly alienate others. Still, this personality can be an attractive trait within the work environment. Half-and-half sleepers are likely to be team leaders and those who perform the best at their tasks. This very same energy can be used as an excellent motivational tool. The only downside is that stubbornness and an inability to fully appreciate the perspectives of others can be a hindrance.

The Daytime Sleeper

There are many out there who will prefer to take a single nap during the afternoon hours. This is very common in the Mediterranean countries. Personalities tend to be relatively easygoing and most take their lives with a "grain of salt".How Many Hours do You Sleep Per Night? Here's Your Personality
They will not normally dwell on issues for too long and should a problem present itself, this personality has a proclivity to procrastinate; hoping that the issue will be solved upon waking. Due to this rather calm approach towards life, it can be very easy to make friends and develop relationships. However, the fact that certain occurrences are not taken seriously can cause some to misinterpret their calmness for a lack of responsibility.

The "Crasher"

We all know someone who fits this description. This type of individual will stay awake for hours or even days at a time. He or she could consume coffee and other stimulants on a regular basis. Finally, they will simply "crash" and sleep for eight hours or more at any given time. As the condition may hint, this type of personality represents the "do-or-die" mentality. In other words, they see the world in black and white as opposed to grey.How Many Hours do You Sleep Per Night? Here's Your Personality
They may not accept "no" for an answer and they can be extremely driven in regards to their work and vision. This is also a traditional trait of the workaholic. However, this personality is also quite rough around the edges. He or she can rub others the wrong way and regardless of whether they realise it or not, it can be very difficult to change. This individual is more inclined to use drugs or alcohol for relaxation and with such broken sleeping patterns, long-term illnesses such as diabetes are much more likely to occur.

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