While exercise is an important part of any healthy regime, diet is still fundamentally crucial for anyone wishing to lose fat. Below we look at the 10 most important fat burning diets, tips and ideas:
1 - Maintain a Calorific Deficit
Rule number one for anyone wishing to burn fat may seem obvious, but it is ignored by many. You must consume less calories than you expend, in order to lose those crucial pounds. When you do so, the body will dip into your fat reserves in order to make up the deficit - hence utilising fat already being held by the body and, by extension, making the body leaner as a result.2 - Choose Whole Grains Where Possible
Studies have shown that the human body expends twice as many calories breaking down whole grains, than it does with refined or processed grains. While television and billboard advertisements are quick to advocate the virtues of whole grains, it can be difficult to ascertain exactly what they are, as well as what they do.Whole grains can be obtained more easily than first imagined. The ever-increasing popularity of quinoa is down to its whole grain goodness; but even foods like brown rice, oatmeal and barley are readily available and can be incorporated into many meals that you may already make. Even a small change such as brown rice for white rice is a step toward your fat burning goal.
3 - Grapefruit - Not Magic, But Useful
According to lore in the 1930's, grapefruit alone contained magic properties that produced amazing weight-loss results every time. Unfortunately, modern science has debunked that particular myth, but that is not to say that grapefruit cannot be an important part of your fat burning diet.A 2006 'Journal of Medical Food' study conducted a clinical analysis, involving a group that consumed grapefruit before a meal three times a day, and a group that simply had the meal. The group eating grapefruit was found to have achieved greater weight loss, suggesting that such an approach could be incorporated into a fat-lessening diet. Even without scientific experiements, however, the fact that such a tasty fruit is high in fibre and low in calories should make this a staple part of most diets.
4 - Breakfast Is Crucial
It is often said that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and nowhere is this more essential than when trying to burn fat. Breakfast is crucial in itself, as it kick-starts the body's metabolism for the day; however there are certain foods that - when consumed in the morning - can assist you in your lean body goals.5 - Don't Ignore the Humble Egg
Be it for breakfast, lunch or dinner; eggs can be utilised both within a meal, or as a healthy snack. Being protein-rich, yet sufficiently low in calories and fat, eggs also contain Vitamin B12 - which is beneficial as it breaks down fat cells within the body.As well as the already-outlined benefits, eggs are also a prominent source of the amino-acid Leucine. Leucine helps increase fat loss and build lean muscle tissue. It is worth noting, however, that there are worries that excessive consumption of eggs can cause cholesterol issues - so it is important to consult with a medical professional to ascertain your own propensity for high cholesterol.
6 - Don't overindulge late at night
Diet is not simply about the food and drink that you consume, it is also about the timing of the sustenance into your body. For example, eating excessively late at night or shortly before bedtime can cause weight gain - as eating at irregular hours can disrupt the body's metabolic function, causing it to be less efficient in breaking down fat.7 - Eat small and often
Rather than eating two or three large meals per day, as is many people's wont, to effectively burn fat we should be looking at eating smaller portions approximately every three hours. You should eat enough to satisfy your hunger, but not enough to feel overly full. Throughout an average day, you should aim for five of these smaller meals.8 - Watch what you drink, as well as what you eat
In order to maintain a diet aimed at burning fat, what you drink is every bit as important as what you eat. Fizzy drinks, in particular, are a problem when it comes to acquiring layers of fat. Don't be fooled by the 'diet' forms of these drinks, either. A study for the 'Journal of the American Geriatrics Society' found in a study that those who drank diet (as opposed to regular) fizzy drinks actually gained more fat.9 - Increase your Omega-3 intake
Found mainly in fish oil, the Omega-3 fatty acid has a number of health benefits - including helping to burn fat. The acids found within Omega-3 (namely eicosapentaenoic, docosahexaenoic and linolenic) aid in the breakdown of fat cells, as well as reducing previously stored fats.As it does not naturally occur in the body, Omega-3 must be taken in through food or supplements. Naturally high Omega-3 fish include tuna, salmon and halibut. Fish Oil capsules are also readily available, and natural sources are being added in health food stores regularly - meaning that vegans will not miss out on this essential amino acid.
10 - Avocado is a tasty fat burner
While avocado is a fruit that is naturally quite high in calories, almost two thirds of these come from monounsaturated fats - which are used by the body as slow-burning energy, as opposed to fat storage.As well as the above benefits, the fruit also contains the Omega-9 acid, which assists in the absorption of vitamins that are fat soluble - giving you a better building block to enable your fat-loss. As one of the more versatile foodstuffs around, avocado can be easily incorporated into breakfast, lunches and dinner.
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