A Couple's Harmony Starts In The Bed.

Most couples who live together sleep in the same bed every night. Sharing a bed can cause one person or both people to have disturbed sleep, and this can impact the relationship if not dealt with sympathetically. There are a few common issues shared with many couples, but these can be addressed with a little planning and some compromise.

10 - Which side of the bed do you sleep on?

A Couple's Harmony Starts In The Bed
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Most people, for no particular reason, have a side of the bed where they feel more comfortable. Not sleeping on their favourite side can cause them to have a restless night, they may travel over to the other side in their sleep and they may even fall out of bed completely. So discuss who sleeps on which side and stick to it. Problems can arise if you both choose the same side, so this needs to be worked out amicably. Each of you should give the new side a try and see who adapts the easiest, or you could also try changing the room about a bit - move the bed to a different part of the bedroom if that is possible, or move the furniture which is next to the bed and see if that helps. Work it out so that both of you are happy and comfortable.

9 - Pillow talk

Once you have established a side of the bed to call your own, consider the pillows you each have. Everyone has their own pillow preference, some like two or three, others like a single one, and a number of people like a particular pillow case fabric under their heads. A Couple's Harmony Starts In The Bed
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Then there’s the filling, do you like a feather one or a memory foam one? There isn't a right or wrong pillow preference, so you should each make your side of the bed perfect for your own needs - it is unfair to dictate to the other how they should sleep so don't do it. If you want the bed to look pretty and coordinated, then choose one or two ‘show’ pillows to place over the top of the more functional ones instead of compromising a comfortable sleep for looks.

8 - Put a stop to duvet stealing

One of the most common complaints, when it comes to bed sharing, is duvet hogging. One person is snuggly wrapped up in three quarters of the duvet while the other wakes up freezing cold with just a corner of the bedding covering them. A Couple's Harmony Starts In The Bed
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It can cause some serious rows, but remember this isn't being done on purpose, it’s just a habit that’s hard to break. It can be worked around by changing the duvet for one which is a size larger than the bed it is on. For example, if you have a queen-size bed, opt for a king-size duvet which would give you both a little more of the covers to share. You could also choose to go ‘Scandinavian’ - in this part of the world they often cover a double bed with two single duvets, this way you can both wrap yourself up to your heart’s content and avoid having an argument in the middle of the night.

7 - The mattress needs to be discussed as well

The mattress on the bed can cause some disagreements

so make sure you come to a compromise when it comes to deciding whether it should be firm or soft. 
A Couple's Harmony Starts In The Bed
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You can get advice about which mattress to buy from good bed stores; changing the kind of mattress you have can make all the difference to a good deep sleep and there maybe a solution available that you haven't thought of. If a compromise can’t be reached, there are mattresses available which have adjustable firmnesses, so each side can be made to suit each sleeper, and will result in an end to the disagreements. 

6 - Get the temperature just right

We each have a preferred temperature to sleep in. Some like to be hot, but others sleep better when they are cool. Getting this balance right can be tricky but there are ways to do it. A Couple's Harmony Starts In The Bed
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You could look at having two separate duvets, as already mentioned, or you could have more blankets one side than the other. There are heated electric blankets on the market which have separate controls for each side, so one person could have this set to the highest temperature while the other side chooses a more moderate heat, or has it turned off completely.

5 - Sleep separately when one of you is unwell

When it comes to an minor illness, it is a good idea to sleep in different rooms. When you don’t feel well, you want to be selfish and that is perfectly fine. Let the sick one have the bedroom to themselves so they can get up and down as the need, turn lights on if they want, sit up if it’s more comfortable and generally have things exactly as they want without disturbing their partner. A Couple's Harmony Starts In The Bed
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This being said, if your loved one is ill, you should be attentive even though you are in another area of the home by listening out for their cries and checking on them regularly. Make sure they have everything the need for the night, like a glass of water, medication, tissues and pain killers. Be caring, and never forget, we all get ill at some time or another so if you want sympathy when it’s your turn, go out of your way to be helpful when your partner is feeling under the weather.

4 - Television on or off?

Manners are needed when it comes to watching the television in the bedroom. Some couples firmly believe it should be banned altogether where as others enjoy watching favourite programmes together, in both cases everyone is on the same page and happy so all is well in the relationship. A Couple's Harmony Starts In The Bed
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If you like to watch TV into the small hours, but your partner doesn’t, be aware that the noise and the blue/grey light emitted can really affect sleep. Be considerate and use earphones to keep the noise down and think about switching off at a reasonable hour. You could discuss a time limit which is fine with both of you, and the TV lover must abide by the agreement and switch off without being asked. If you really don't want to miss something, go into the other room to view it and let your beloved sleep soundly.

3 - The bells are ringing

Alarm clock etiquette should be followed at all times. If one person has to be awake, or likes to be awake a lot earlier than the other, they shouldn't repeatedly hit the snooze button and disturb their partner's sleep needlessly. A Couple's Harmony Starts In The Bed
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Get up at the first ring and take yourself quickly and quietly out of the room. Consider getting dressed and ready in the bathroom or another room so they can continue to slumber until they need to get up. Think about the alarm itself, try to use the quietest sound that will wake you up and make sure the clock is nearest to you which will reduce the impact on the other person. If you have an especially early start as a one off for some reason - offer to sleep in the other room so your waking doesn't affect your partner at all.

2 - Things on your mind?

If you can’t fall asleep within 20 minutes or so because there is just too much on your mind, be kind to your partner and get up quietly and go to another room. A Couple's Harmony Starts In The Bed
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Your tossing and turning will be affecting the deepness of their sleep even if they don’t wake up completely. Moving out could also help you too, because sometimes trying to keep still and trying to force sleep could actually stop you nodding off. In another room try meditation tactics, like listening to calming music or read something simple. You should find you can slip back into bed a little later and fall asleep quickly having distracted yourself for a little while. 

1 - Snoring issues

Snoring by either a man or a woman can ruin the sleep of anyone sharing the room. You have to remember that the snorer isn't doing it on purpose and it can be upsetting for them to learn how bad they are. A Couple's Harmony Starts In The Bed
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They may also suffer from broken sleep too because of it - so be kind when bringing the subject up. There is a lot of research into snoring and how to cure it so spend some time together investigating these. There are simple things to try like the nose plasters which open the nostrils, or avoiding alcohol before bed and sleeping on the side of the body instead of the back. Trying to solve this issue may bring peaceful sleep for both parties so be patient and keep trying.

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