What are the right foods? One of the best is guava. This is a small perennial tree in the myrtle family that has the scientific name psidium guajava. It is not very tall, reaching a maximum height of 7 metres, and has bright green leaves with large, white flowers that give off an intense aroma.
The guava has ancient origins and is mainly cultivated in the Caribbean and in other tropical countries, such as Brazil and India, where the right climactic conditions are found to produce its wonderful and succulent fruits.
The green fruit of the guava tree is shaped like a large lemon and its peel is often wrinkled like that fruit. Its flesh is a beautiful deep red, pink or white and, like any self-respecting exotic fruit, is firm and delicious. This edible fruit is rich in fibre and vitamins, especially A and C, but is low in fat and contains no cholesterol. The fats it does have contain Omega-3, which plays an important role in the prevention of diabetes.
It is also an excellent source of minerals, including calcium, phosphorus, iron, manganese, potassium and ascorbic acid. A guava contains nearly four times as much Vitamin C as an orange. Vitamin C cannot be stored in the body, meaning that levels need to be replenished every day, and just one guava will provide all your daily Vitamin C needsGuava fruit is very low calorie, with only around 86 calories per 100 grams, but is also very filling and ideal for those who are trying to lose weight. It can be a great help in the treatment of diabetes and high cholesterol as it contains much less sugar than many everyday fruits like apples, grapes or oranges. It also has a very low Glycemic index compared to other fruits and a guava contains much more potassium than a banana.
The high amounts of fibre also slows the absorption of the sugar that it does contain and prevents blood sugar and insulin spikes and drops. Like any fruit, it can be used in many different ways; it can be eaten fresh, chopped in salads, drunk in smoothies or as juice and even made into jam. In China it is popularly used as a tea and in many countries the bark and leaves are used to clean the teeth and gums as they have astringent properties and leave your breath fresh.
The benefits of guava do not end there. It helps to naturally strengthen the immune system and, as it contains antioxidants, it fights ageing. Many studies have indicated that the guava has cancer-fighting properties, due to its high levels of the antioxidant lycopene, which particularly reduces the risk of prostrate and breast cancer. The large amounts of Vitamin A in the guava makes it a good choice for those concerned with eye health and can prevent or slow the growth of cataracts and macular degeneration.
Guava can also be useful in cases of gastroenteritis, constipation and nausea, due to the astringent properties mentioned earlier, as this helps to keep the lining of the intestines and stomach clean and healthy and prevents the growth of bacteria and microbes in the gut. The reasons for choosing this delightful exotic fruit are many and it should definitely be included in our daily diet so that we can enjoy its huge range of health-giving benefits.
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