Images Before A Catastrophe

23. The ball-swallowing dog

A happy and content dog sitting on a bench thinking his owner wants to play ball with him. It’s too hot for the dog to get up and run around though. So what does he decide to do? He opens his mouth so wide that the ball will no doubt find its way into his stomach.Images before a catastrophe
This is an image before a disaster, for both the owner and the dog. The photographer has captured the moment the ball is thrown towards the dog, making it quite clear what’s about to happen. We think an emergency trip to the vet is on the cards.

22.Smile for the camera!

The man in this photo is standing by the pool posing calmly for the camera. Behind him, there are three women chatting with each other. However, their conversation is so deep that the lady in white clothing who’s standing by the edge of the pool looks like she is about to fall backwards into the water. The man in front of the camera will soon realise what’s about to happen when he gets a big splash of the water on him. This is a scene no photographer would want to miss. Images before a catastrophe

21. Practice your diving at home

This man is a novice diver who wants to get plenty of practice in the comfort of his own home. He thinks he can successfully dive on the inflated mattresses without hurting himself. This image captures the moment before a disaster.Images before a catastrophe
In this instance, he will probably end up with some injuries as he may bounce back from the mattresses onto the floor, or even hit his head against the staircase! On the flip side, he may bounce up and down until he gets dizzy. This is nothing a quick trip to hospital won’t sort out though.

20. Slippery surfaces

On an icy road, this guy is about to slip and land on the concrete ground. This disaster is happening in the full view of other people who are driving by or passing, hence the added embarrassment for this poor boy. His distraction may be because of the hot drink he’s carrying, which is about to be spilled everywhere.Images before a catastrophe
His trainers may even be blamed as they look unsuitable for the icy road. Nevertheless, he’s going to end up with a very sore bottom, or even worse, a broken hip. Let’s hope someone sees this catastrophe and helps him get back on his feet.

19. Watch out for the goat!

Sometimes, it’s just not a good idea to bring a wild goat into your home. In this image, we see a girl who is about to get head butted by an angry goat. It’s probably because she is either teasing the animal or showing her fear. The goat has become agitated and sees this girl as a threat. The room is rather small, and a close encounter with an angry goat can only end in disaster. Images before a catastrophe
This girl probably thought that she could befriend this animal, but even she couldn’t predict what was about to happen next. 

18. Cool off in the blazing sunshine

This picture shows a girl in bikini sunbathing in the park and looking all startled. A man with a bucket of water is walking sneakily behind her and is about to pour the cold water over her.Images before a catastrophe
The girl has obviously noticed someone behind her but isn’t sure what’s about to happen to her. The disaster in this image relates to the fact that the girl is all relaxed, warm, and calm, and then all of a sudden, someone comes and pours cold water over her. Imagine her shock and horror!

17. An office party with a splash

This image shows work colleagues gathered around each other and having a laugh, (they’ve obviously had too much to drink). The girl in the middle is smiling at the camera, not aware of what’s about to happen to her hair. The lads have their hands up in the air (probably singing to a tune) and one of them is about to drop his drink on the girl by accident.Images before a catastrophe
What we would be about to see next is one soaked girl who has coca cola all over her hair and clothes. This is one office party that’s going to be remembered for a long time. 

16. A dog with missing teeth

This image shows a dog about to bite on some crisps. Images before a catastrophe
It’s captured the moment someone has thrown crisps towards the dog. Perhaps you are wondering what’s wrong with this picture as it’s not that obvious at first. If you pay close attention, you will see that this particular dog doesn’t have many teeth. He doesn’t realise the difficulty he’ll have biting on those crisps until they land in his mouth. He may even choke on them! We bet his owners won’t be laughing afterwards when their poor dog starts coughing and choking on those snacks.

15. A race for life

This picture shows four drivers in a go-karting race, with one unfortunate driver going off track. The good news is that he is wearing a safety helmet and that his kart is about to land on grass.Images before a catastrophe
His injuries (if any) will be minimised this way. He must have been driving so fast that he lost control of his kart. Let’s hope there are emergency medical services on hand to help this poor guy get back on his feet and out of the vehicle quickly.

14. Shop 'til you drop...the grocery!

In this picture, we see a girl who has just come back from Spar supermarket with a shopping bag in her hand. She is about to go up the stairs to her apartment when she realises her bag has a large hole at the bottom.Images before a catastrophe
Her grocery is dropping out one by one and it looks like she can’t get the situation under control. We see fruit falling out of the bottom of the bag one by one, rolling off down the stairs. This scene was captured at the exact time a disaster was about to happen.

13. Cycling disaster

There are a few spectators who have come to watch this cycling show. The boy who is demonstrating his skills on the bike is not having a good day as we’re about to see him lose his balance and fall off the bike from high up in the air. He is surely going to experience some serious injuries because of how high up he has jumped with his bike. Images before a catastrophe
We think an ambulance will be called soon as he boy isn’t wearing any safety helmets nor is he wearing kneepads. This show hasn’t taken off to a good start. 

12. Sweet 16

Mum and dad have made a big effort by preparing a birthday cake for their offspring’s 16th birthday. They look very proud of their cake and are smiling for the camera.Images before a catastrophe
But it was not to be as mum is about to drop this massive cake on the kitchen floor. Dad is not aware of what’s about to happen, but we can imagine the look on his face once the disaster does occur. This is going to be a sweet 16 birthday party, but minus the cake!

11. A wet concert

There is nothing more fun than a big rave in a music concert. Here we see a crowd of people holding up their mobile phones and recording this momentous event. There is a girl sitting on someone’s shoulders, positioned higher than others and enjoying the music by dancing. What we’re about to see is a large cup of water landing on her.Images before a catastrophe
The moment this disaster is happening has been captured by a clever photographer who knew exactly what was about to occur. Her wet face will also be captured by all those people who are holding their mobile phone cameras toward her…oh how embarrassing! 

10. Faces of horror

In this picture, we see two men screaming in horror. Images before a catastrophe
What we don’t see is exactly what they are screaming about. One of them is looking at a different direction than the other one. The guy who is sitting a little further back seems to be shrieking at something much closer. Could it be a snake or an even scarier animal? All we know is that they’re horrified with what they’ve seen, so much so that the guy at the back is afraid to touch it. This is one highly mysterious image that will leave people guessing for weeks.

9. Don't jump!

Two men standing by the river are enjoying the view when they notice a guy hanging by his feet on the edge of the railing. At first glance, this may look like a suicide scene, but it might even be a prank. The other two men in the scene are calmly watching this guy without panicking about the situation.Images before a catastrophe
As this is a disaster about to happen, we think this guy’s trick is going wrong as he could lose his footing and land in the water. He may have been trying to show his acrobatic side by hanging off the railing on the edge of the river, but this scene can only end in catastrophe.

8. Struck by a snowball

This is a funny picture of a man smiling for the camera without being aware of what’s about to happen. While he is smiling, a big ball of snow is about to hit him on his face. Just imagine the shock when he gets snowballed! We don’t think he’ll be too happy with whoever is throwing that snow towards him.Images before a catastrophe
After all, it will ruin his photo when he gets his face totally covered with snow. This is more like a funny type of disaster rather than a serious one. In fact, it reminds us of Jeremy Beadle’s ‘You’ve been framed’ videos.

7. Thumbs up or down

They say a picture speaks a thousand words. Well this one certainly does. It is an image of a cyclist who is about to slide off a dirt track. This person didn’t think about the consequences of holding their two thumbs up as they lose control of their bike. He or she is going to come crashing down, and not a moment too soon.Images before a catastrophe
To add to the embarrassment of this stunt, there is a small camera on top of the helmet capturing the entire scene. Let’s hope the camera doesn’t break when the rider slides off the bike. 

6. Swinging in the air

Having a swing in the backyard does have its advantages. Even adults can play on it whenever they want. In this picture, we see a woman about to fall off from her swing. The camera has captured the exact moment she is falling before landing on the grass.Images before a catastrophe
The disaster that’s about to happen is a painful one as she is going to fall flat on her face. It’s a good thing her neighbours weren’t looking, otherwise she’d be even more embarrassed! At least she’ll be landing on soft grass rather than hard concrete ground.

5. What a splash!

Here we see two girls in their bikinis walking along a muddy path and there is a 4X4 truck passing them. The disaster that’s about to happen relates to this SUV. It is going so fast that the girls are going to be splashed with mud any second.Images before a catastrophe
This is a place off the beaten track, probably in Central America or Africa. The girls are on their vacation and heading towards a restaurant. Once this catastrophe occurs, they’ll have to look for the nearest place to wash all that mud off their body. Just imagine the disgusted look on their faces when they get muddy.

4. Your hair's on fire!

This little party is not getting off to a good start. In this picture, we see three girls celebrating around a table with the lights switched off. The room is dark as there must be a cake with candles that is waiting to be blown. However, the girl is looking towards the camera and not aware that her hair has caught fire on the candles.Images before a catastrophe
The other two girls sitting opposite her are looking in shock and horror as they see her hair burning. No doubt the poor girl will realise what’s going on when she starts to smell smoke coming from her hair. 

3. Backward biking

This unusual image has been caught the moment an accident is about to happen. What we don’t see is what the bike has actually collided with as it’s flipping backwards and the two riders are about to fall off it.Images before a catastrophe
Could they have collided with a lamp post? Are they learner drivers who don’t know how to control their bike? This picture is rather vague in detail so we can only guess what’s caused the disaster. The worst thing is that none of them are wearing safety helmets or protective clothing. An unfortunate accident that will no doubt cause them some injuries, especially as they are falling backwards on the ground.

2. Lads' night out

Here we see a few lads on holiday enjoying themselves. From first glance, the stomach area of one of the guys looks like a pizza dough. One of his friends is laughing and has placed his hand on the guy's belly.Images before a catastrophe
We think he has swallowed something and it's showing on his skin. This may be a stunt pulled by the guy, but the consequences can only be unpleasant. Perhaps a trip to the local A&E is on the cards where he'll be x-rayed and operated on. Whatever he has done, he must have been drunk!

1. Greetings with a bang

In this picture, a man is about to pass a big hammer to his friend when he loses his grip and the hammer comes flying towards the unfortunate boy.Images before a catastrophe
If you look closely at this image, you may think that these men are about to shake hands, however, why would there be a flying hammer in the scene? We can only guess that these guys work at a construction site and they are on their lunch break when one of them comes over to get the hammer from his friend. The disaster occurs when the guy swings the hammer loosely and loses his grip on it.

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