Ten Great Ways To Lose Weight At Work.

The modern "rat race" can be time consuming; especially if you find that you are required to work long hours and it is not possible to head off to the gym at the end of the day. Still, this is no excuse for gaining excess weight. What are the top ten ways to trim your love handles and burn calories while you are at work?

10 - Cut Your Cravings

Ten Great Ways to Lose Weight at Work
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One of the biggest contributors to a bulging tummy is the addition of sweets to your normal diet. Mid-morning and mid-afternoon snacks should be avoided at all costs; particularly when these sinful delights are loaded with sugars and excess carbohydrates. Eating a sensible breakfast and a healthy lunch will help to dramatically lessen such cravings. If you do find that you are lacking energy during these times, try a bowl of fruit or a fat-free energy drink to give you the boost that you need to keep working at your most productive levels.

9 - Water and Plenty of It

There are several reasons why water is one of the safest and healthiest dietary supplements. First of all, drinking plenty of water will keep your cells hydrated. Ten Great Ways to Lose Weight at Work
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This can help you to feel more alert while providing you with a healthy glow. However, water will also fool your stomach into thinking that you have eaten more food. So, you will be able to tackle any cravings while providing your body with the hydration that is so very necessary for everyday functioning. Always try to drink bottles or distilled water, as sources from the tap are likely to contain excess minerals and the taste may be a bit "off".

8 - Leave out the Coffee

Many office workers will require a boost of energy through one or more cups of coffee. While you may get a temporary kick, the issue here is that coffee is one of the leading causes for weight gain. This arises from the fact that an average cup will contain a copious amount of calories when mixed with cream and sugar. Ten Great Ways to Lose Weight at Work
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In fact, one cup of sweetened coffee can contain as much sugar as a glass of Coca-Cola! So, try to eliminate coffee from your diet over time. If this seems to be too hard to accomplish, never forget that you can always switch to green or red tea. While the caffeine will still be present, unhealthy sugars can still be avoided. You will be able to attain the energy that you need without sacrificing your waistline!

7 - Move More

If you work in a static office environment such as a call centre, the chances are high that you will be sitting at your desk for hours at a time. This can be a problem, for any excess calories that are not burned off will inevitably be stored as fat. Ten Great Ways to Lose Weight at Work
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You need to find ways to boost your metabolism, and one of the best methods is to try and move around as much as possible. For instance, ask for a hands-free phone that will provide you with extra mobility. When possible, stand up and walk back and forth as opposed to lounging back in a chair. If this is not possible, even taking walks to the break room every thirty minutes will help knock back a few calories at a time. Studies have shown that burning no more than 100 calories per day can help you to lose up to five kilogrammes during any given year. So, keep active when you can.

6 - A Sensible Lunch

Lunchtime can be a tempting period during your day. Mental work alone can dramatically increase your appetite. When noon arrives, you may suddenly find that you require a massive meal to keep you full in the afternoon. Ten Great Ways to Lose Weight at Work
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This is one of the biggest downfalls of any diet programme. Never fall into such temptations. Seek out healthier food and avoid those "power lunches" that are defined by calorie-laden foods and fattening desserts. If you find that it is difficult to say no, the best bet is to stay away from such situations altogether. Prepare your lunch ahead of time the evening before work. Not only will you be able to make food that you truly enjoy, but you will be saving a great deal of money at the same time. Try to only eat out once a week if this is possible within your schedule.

5 - Fruits and More Fruits

A primary reason for your cravings during the day is that your blood sugar tends to drop during the middle of the morning and the late afternoon. As opposed to munching down on cookies or turning to a pot of coffee, choose fruits as a healthy alternative. Ten Great Ways to Lose Weight at Work
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There are several benefits to eating fruits such as apples, oranges and grapes throughout the day. First, you will be able to maintain adequate blood sugar levels. Secondly, you are supplying your body with necessary nutrients such as vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C and starch. Another advantage of fruit is that you can take in a good deal of fibre. Fibre will expand when it is in your stomach. You will feel fuller for longer. There is indeed nothing more attractive than a nice bowl of strawberries or a slice of grapefruit. Stay fit with fruit!

4 - Find a Fitness Buddy

Most offices will give you at least one hour for lunch. If we think about it, you will normally spend no more than thirty minutes eating while the remainder of the time is spent sitting back and digesting. Ten Great Ways to Lose Weight at Work
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When you eat a lighter lunch, the need to relax immediately afterwards will not be as pronounced. So, find another health-conscious coworker and go for a brisk walk before heading back to your desk. This walk can be for as little as fifteen minutes. If there is not a park or similar open space nearby, why not walk around the block a few times? Although walking is an excellent full-body workout, never forget that it will likewise help to increase your metabolism. You will not feel as sluggish and your energy levels will be much higher. So, you can enjoy a pronounced level of alertness during the afternoon hours. Choosing a partner is a great way to stay motivated as well.

3 - Dump the Stress

Many of us are surprised to learn that stress is one of the main contributing factors to weight gain. Unfortunately, this very same stress is often present within the work environment. When we become mentally stressed, our bodies produce a chemical known as cortisol. Ten Great Ways to Lose Weight at Work
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This hormone "tells" our metabolism to stop digesting food. In turn, any weight tends to be deposited around our midsection. Not only is this unattractive, but fat around the waist is actually the most dangerous. This is the main reason to lower your stress levels while working. Although this may be easier said than done, there are a few coping mechanisms that you can use. Try exercises that involve deep breathing and get plenty of sleep. Other activities such as yoga are excellent stress-busting methods. Never forget that weight loss at work has just as much to do with your habits once you leave the office!

2 - Sports Supplements

If you find that your cravings are still impossible to ignore, you should head to the local health food store and pick up a meal replacement shake or bar. One of the best things in regards to these supplements is that many of them will contain substances that help to control your appetite. Ten Great Ways to Lose Weight at Work
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They will make you feel fuller for longer while providing your body with the healthy calories that it needs to function at tip-top levels. Thanks to modern technology, these drinks and foods are tastier than they have ever been. It is best to choose one that is high in protein while rather low in carbohydrates and fat. Also, always check the ingredients to make certain that there are not massive amounts of sugar present. Mixing a powder with low-fat milk or even water is a great idea. If you still find that the taste is lacking, you can always throw in a few strawberries or select soy milk for a bit of extra flavour.

1 - Fruit Smoothies

This is a final suggestion that combines supplementation with the nutrient-boosting power of fruit. Smoothies are also a wonderful treat that is completely healthy. Of course, you can always try a number of different combinations to find the mix that works the best for you. Ten Great Ways to Lose Weight at Work
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One concoction to experiment with is a drink which contains fruit, low-fat milk and nuts such as cashews or even a teaspoon of flax seed oil. You will be amazed at how satisfying these choices are while the energy that they provide can last for hours at a time. Smoothies are also very easy to make and you can take one to work in a normal thermos. Store it in the refrigerator until it is needed. In fact, a tasty fruit cocktail can likewise make an excellent replacement for your lunch if you find that you are on a strict diet.

These are some of the best ways to tackle your weight while at work. Using one or more of these methods in conjunction will work even better.

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