Ten Male Bad Habits Women Can't Stand.

1 - The Wolf Whistle

Despite what many men seem to think, a lot of women can’t stand being whistled at in the street as they walk by a man or a group of men. The same also applies for those guys beeping their horns as they drive by a beautiful woman or group of women. While you may well be trying to pay them a compliment, and use it as a way to get noticed, it will often be received in a very different way.Ten Male Bad Habits Women Can't Stand
For the woman being whistled or honked at, it feels like an objectification of their beauty, without any appreciation for what they might be like as an actual person. The knee-jerk reaction can make some women feel very uncomfortable, and can even be intimidating. And, if done in the workplace, it could be seen as a form of sexual harassment. The wolf whistle should be avoided at all costs.

2 - Not Paying Attention

This is something a lot of men will confess to doing at one point or another. The ‘half-listen’, where you are physically present in a conversation but may well have zoned out somewhere in the middle. For example, if a woman is talking to you and the TV is on, your attention will be split half-way between the two. Ten Male Bad Habits Women Can't Stand
Inevitably, this will lead to problems. Important details can be missed or more easily forgotten, leading to things not getting done that you had absentmindedly agreed to doing. It can even build up tensions in the relationship. For you, it probably doesn’t seem like a very big deal. But for the women, it can be a sign they aren’t fully appreciated. They’re trying to have a conversation with you, and you appear to be more interested in watching what’s on the TV than paying attention to what they have to say.

3 - Not Doing Your Chores

After moving in together, most couples will have some kind of agreement, official or otherwise, about the division of labour. It’s an important part of living together, and many women end up feeling they’ve been left with the bulk of the housework. This is a major turn-off. Not doing your fair share of washing the dishes, cleaning the toilets, and changing the bedding can land you in a lot of hot water. Ten Male Bad Habits Women Can't Stand When you’re living on your own, you might not have any problem sleeping on the same sheets for weeks or leaving the dishes to pile up. There’s a good chance your other half won’t quite share your opinion on that front. It’s not fair to leave all the work to them, just because you don’t see it as necessary. If you do your share of the work, you’re much more likely to end up living together in the long-term.

4 - Leaving Hair in the Sink

This is another big no-no. Whether you’re someone who shaves every morning or just gives your beard or moustache a trim every now and then, there’s going to be hair left in the sink – or, worse, on the floor surrounding the sink. No one wants to have to walk into a bathroom first thing in the morning and be faced with somebody else’s shavings in the same place that they want to brush their teeth and wash their face. Ten Male Bad Habits Women Can't Stand For the majority of women, when they shave, whether it be their legs, underarms or anywhere else, they make sure all of the tiny hairs that might be left over in the sink, shower or tub get washed down the drain. It’s only fair that you make the same effort they do. It will take you an extra minute or two, and will make sure that things are kept running smoothly.

5 - Inappropriate Behaviour in Public

Behaving inappropriately in public is a sure-fire way to cause trouble in a relationship, and it won’t work in your favour if you’re trying to strike up a connection with a woman. This can range from anything between crude behaviour, bad language, excessive drinking, and scratching yourself in places you shouldn’t while in the company of others. Ten Male Bad Habits Women Can't Stand If you’re in a relationship already, the way that you behave in public can be seen as a reflection of how well you work together as a couple. If the woman you are with is showing you off to her friends or family, the worst thing you can do is act inappropriately. You might well act a little more loosely in the privacy of your own home, which is fine. But you ought to be on your best behaviour when you’re out together with your or her friends, or entertaining guests at home.

6 - Not Wearing Clean Clothes

For different items of clothing, there are different unspoken rules that everyone should abide by when it comes to re-wearing things you’ve already worn. With jeans, for example, a lot of people are happy to wear them for many days at a time before throwing them in the laundry. With underwear, the same definitely can’t be said. Ten Male Bad Habits Women Can't Stand People joke that you can get four days out of a single pair of underwear, turning it inside out and back-to-front. But this excuse probably won’t fly with most women, especially if done on a regular basis when your washing machine is fully-functioning. To them, it can be seen as a warning sign for both laziness and not keeping yourself clean. Those aren’t particularly attractive traits, especially if you’re in a serious relationship and considering having children together. Once you start living together and these bad habits become more visible, they can become a bit of a deal-breaker.

7 - The Importance of Hygiene

This goes hand-in-hand with wearing clean clothes. Hygiene is so important, and it becomes even more so when you’re in a relationship. Your other half won’t want to sleep next to you at night if you haven’t showered for a few days or more, and they won’t be eager to kiss you if you’ve got bad breath. Ten Male Bad Habits Women Can't Stand When you’re single, it’s easy to fall into bad habits because you’ve got no one to worry about but yourself. So when you’re with someone, make sure that you don’t forget some of those bad habits might need breaking. Your routines might need a little tweaking, waking up a little earlier or going to bed a little later, but it’s for the greater good. Take a shower at least once a day, make sure you do your teeth at least once in the morning and once at night, and always, always wash your hands after using the toilet.

8 - Gas

Gas can be a slightly tricky issue. It’s completely natural, and you can’t get by in life without farting or bumping, some more than others. But that doesn’t mean that there aren’t ways you can minimise the damage and avoid situations in which it might become a problem. Some guys will take pride in these bodily functions, and this may well be a staple in your group of male friends. Ten Male Bad Habits Women Can't Stand But it won’t impress the vast majority of women, and won’t improve your chances of building a genuine relationship with them. If you feel something coming, you can excuse yourself to use the bathroom and take care of business in private. You avoid potential embarrassment both for yourself and the woman you’re dating or hoping to start dating. You’ll also leave a much better impression of yourself by showing her that you’re not like most other guys in this respect.

9 - Being Big-Headed

While having confidence is a well-known turn-on for most women, having a big ego has the exact opposite effect. Being big-headed, especially when you have no reason to be, is a really bad habit that most women won’t be able to stand. It ties into behaving appropriately in public. If you’ve got a male group of friends, you might well enjoy showing off, and a little egoism is a pretty common affair. Ten Male Bad Habits Women Can't Stand But excessive big-headedness isn’t something women will be looking for in a man. You can be openly proud of your accomplishments, but it’s best not to flash them in other people’s faces. Try to find a good balance between confidence and modesty. Steer clear of the culture of one-upmanship and you’ll find women will be much more likely to show you off to their friends and invite you to meet their family. It shows you are as kind as you are successful.

10 - Leaving the Toilet Seat Up

Leaving the toilet seat up can send an instant alarm bell into a woman’s head, a sure sign that you’re not someone she’ll want to spend much time with. It’s one of the most common bad habits attributed to men, and for good reason. You might not realise it, you might not have ever thought about it, but it essentially shows a lack of consideration for the women in the household. Ten Male Bad Habits Women Can't Stand It implies you are not even thinking about them, who will always be using the toilet with the seat down. Instead, you are thinking only about yourself, who will mostly be using the toilet with the seat up. When you’re living alone or with a group of guys, it might be fine. But if you’re living with any women in the house, be sure to put that seat down every time and it will pay off in the long-run.

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