Avoiding GM Foods By Eating Naturally, Seasonally, And Sustainably.

Although in some quarters Genetically Modified (GM) foods are being hailed as the future of nutrition, able to solve the world's hunger problems cheaply and conveniently, many people are less sure. Despite the assurances of safety given by scientists, many people have a nagging doubt that there's just something unnatural about GM food, and that the long term consequences of eating it are still unknown, as are the long term effects on the environment and many natural species of plants. Because of this, a lot of people prefer to avoid consuming GM whenever possible, although this is not always made as easy as it could be. Avoiding GM Foods by Eating Naturally, Seasonally, and Sustainably.

Labelling Problems

In some jurisdictions, foods produced with GM ingredients are legally required to make this clear on their packaging, which in theory makes it easy to avoid these foods if that's what you want. Unfortunately, in reality it's not that simple. In some cases, only foods produced locally must display this information, and so foods imported from another country might contain GM ingredients but not mention it on the packaging. Even worse, while a food you buy may not in itself be genetically modified, it might be produced using ingredients that are - for instance, pork products might be made from pigs raised on GM corn, and this need not be mentioned anywhere on the label.

Overcoming the Labelling Problem

Given that looking at the label on your food can't guarantee you anything - unless the manufacturer makes a big deal about avoiding GM ingredients and derivatives in all their products - you need to employ other tactics to be sure of staying clear of GM foods. Avoiding GM Foods by Eating Naturally, Seasonally, and Sustainably.

Product Perfection

The first thing to note is that one of the main reasons GM foods are popular with some producers is they can result in, for example, fruit that's all perfectly shaped and well-formed with no blemishes or other 'defects'. While fruit like this is easier to sell, it's not really how nature does things, and if you see a row of identical, 'perfect', shiny apples then it should set off alarms that whether or not GM has been used, they're not likely to have been grown in a way that's harmonious with nature. Left to itself, nature will tend to produce fruits that vary in shapes and sizes, and usuallytaste all the better for it.

Shelf Life

In a similar way, GM technology is often used to prolong a product's shelf life, leading to less wastage and therefore higher profits for the growers and retailers. While this isn't necessarily a bad thing, if you spot a tomato which seems to have a 'best before' or 'use by' date unnaturally far in the future, it's at least a sign that the fruit has been picked before it was ripe, if nothing else.Avoiding GM Foods by Eating Naturally, Seasonally, and Sustainably. While not all foods which are grown to have a long shelf life are GM, it's fair to say that as GM becomes ever more embedded in our food production, the closer to naturally produced food you can get, the less chance there is of genetic modification being involved.

Out of Season

The same logic applies to fruit and vegetables which are available at times of year that they shouldn't be. If you see beautiful looking strawberries on the shelves in the depths of winter, it's clear that there could be ethical issues involved with their production. At best, they'll have been grown in a local hot-house which, other than using lots of energy, is otherwise a natural operation. More likely, they'll have been flown in from other parts of the world, with all the carbon footprint issues that involves. And, at worst, they could be the fabled 'Frankenstein' foods which have had their genes modified so that they're easier to grow out of season. Avoiding GM Foods by Eating Naturally, Seasonally, and Sustainably. Whatever your views on the safety or morality of GM foods, or even of some of the business practices of the companies who stand to gain the most from GM foods being widely accepted, most people these days prefer to eat food that has some element of environmental concern behind it. Luckily for people wary of GM, if you follow the advice above and try and shop for natural, seasonal, and sustainable food whenever you can, the chances of you eating GM by accident are greatly reduced.

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