The Benefits Of An Early Morning Glass Of Water

How many articles have you read on the benefits of drinking water? And how many times have you said to yourself I drink lots of tea, or coffee, or juice – they’re full of fluid, I don’t need plain water? 

Personally, it was every time I read such an article, until my body began to tell me differently. I began suffering stomach bloating and my kidneys began to ache. I changed my diet and eating habits, any improvement was short lived, by now the aching was waking me at night. Visits to the toilet would sometimes provide temporary relief but nothing improved things long term. By the end of almost 12 months I was beginning to think I had some major medical condition.The Benefits of an Early Morning Glass of Water

All fluid is not water:

Looking back now I wonder how I could have been that stupid. Friends would tell me to drink more water, and my stock answer was always, ’I drink a dozen mugs of tea a day, I can’t be short of fluid’. But I was, far more than I realised, even though I never used to feel thirsty. Out of desperation more than anything else, I woke one morning and poured myself a large glass of plain water, and then put the kettle on for my first mug of tea. Throughout that first day I drank five or six glasses of water, and reduced my tea intake to around three mugs.By that evening I could feel the difference. The aching and bloating felt less, Staying with this new found health regime, by the end of the week I was beginning to feel my old self, and by the end of the second week the aching and bloated feeling had all but disappeared. So why is plain water so beneficial?

Plain water flushes through the system:

While tea in its own right has certain health benefits, plain water is needed by the body as a cleanser.The Benefits of an Early Morning Glass of WaterThe body is made up of 70% fluid, and that fluid is used in a myriad of ways by the body to keep itself balanced and healthy. We remove toxins by urinating. The body maintains its temperature by using fluid to cool itself, we perspire. It uses that fluid we intake to help produce new blood cells, and replace the fluid lost by our normal daily


The First thing in the Morning Fix:

Even if you think your water intake is adequate, having your first glass when you wake can make all the difference. With bottled water containing nothing other than a few minerals, the body can use it exactly as required. 
The Benefits of an Early Morning Glass of Water

Improved Metabolism:

With our body having been resting for eight hours, the first thing we need to do is to give our metabolism a kick. A glass of water first thing in the morning has been shown to lift our metabolic rate by almost 25% short term, long enough for our body to begin its cleansing process.

Colon Cleansing:

Without having to convert anything in the water, the bodies system can concentrate on its first job of the day, flushing through the colon. A colon free of digestive debris, helps the body better absorb food nutrients, which are used, amongst other things, to replace old blood cells with new.The Benefits of an Early Morning Glass of Water

Other benefits of that early morning glass of water are.
  • • Rehydration of the body.
  • • Improved balance of the lymph system, helping ward off infections and improve the immune system.
  • • Improves the production of not just blood cells, but skin, muscle and other cells which are regularly renewed.
It’s not just improvements on the inside either, where we can only feel the benefits. With regular water intake those improvements can manifest themselves with a healthier glowing skin, brighter eyes and increased energy levels. 
With that all important glass of water before anything else in the morning, and regular intake throughout the day, the health benefits can be enormous. Help with weight loss, and claimed improvement or cure for a number of illnesses are all made. 
Different articles will claim the body requires different volumes of water, but beware, over intake of water can prove adverse to health. I can only speak from personal experience. I now daily drink four or five large glasses of water. The first when I wake, and then regularly throughout the day. The difference it makes to my health and feeling of wellbeing is astonishing – and I still enjoy my three mugs of tea a day.

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