Why You Should Be Massaging Your Feet Before Bed.

Just about everybody all over the world has own set of bed time rituals – I know I do, and chances are you do too. People vary in terms of what exactly it is they have to do before they can comfortably lay down for the night, with some choosing to unwind with a soothing mug of camomile tea whilst others like to tire themselves out with a quick workout – sit-ups, push-ups and the like – before they switch off. Why You Should Be Massaging Your Feet Before Bed.
Regardless of how you choose to spend those twilight hours, however, there is some compelling evidence that suggests you’d be doing yourself a favour to make a little extra room for a new activity – massaging your feet. Indeed, there are some who believe that setting aside 10-15 minutes every night to show your aching feet some love can be hugely beneficial, and they certainly make a pretty strong case. The general benefits offered by massage have been established for some time now, and it is (quite rightly) considered by many to be one of the most effective forms of relaxation out there, if not the the most effective. Not only can a good massage induce feelings of significant comfort, but it also causes a whole host of nice things to happen to your insides. First and foremost, they can improve your metabolism, which is a huge factor in promoting healthy weight loss. Why You Should Be Massaging Your Feet Before Bed.

Not only that, but some proponents of massage therapy maintain that regular massage can be instrumental in the reduction of your body fat. They are also capable of stimulating the secretion of sweat, which is a vital process for removing waste products from the body and keeping everything under the hood running smoothly, as well as helping to keep up a healthy level of circulation by directing blood flow to the area being massaged.
Massage can also hugely benefit your body’s muscles, which are doubtlessly going to be in need of a little bit of TLC after a long and strenuous day. As well as bringing about a general feeling of relaxation, a properly-administered massage can also diffuse the acid build-up which causes muscle cramp and discomfort, and can even go so far as stimulating digestion to help settle your stomach before you lay down to go to sleep. Why You Should Be Massaging Your Feet Before Bed.
We’re sure you’ll agree, it’s an incredibly exhaustive list of benefits, and we feel it should be ample evidence to convince even the most staunchly anti-massage individuals to squeeze one in at the end of the day. After all, when it’s such a simple task that can easily be performed in the comfort of your own home, why would you not? If, for some reason, you remain unconvinced, the case becomes even more of a no-brainer when you consider some interesting facts about your feet. Massage can be a powerful healing process, and there are few – if, indeed, any - parts of your body that need healing at the end of the day than your feet. If you work a job that requires you to be standing all day, or one that involves a lot of moving around, odds are your feet will be positively screaming out for some respite when night time rolls around. Why You Should Be Massaging Your Feet Before Bed.
It’s a little-known fact that your feet actually contain the most sensitive nerve endings and sweat glands per square centimetre, and many of these nerve endings actually extend all the way through your body to some of the major organs. It stands to reason, therefore, that by gently massaging these nerve endings you are indirectly benefiting the organs that they are associated with – so not only does massaging your aching feet feel great, but it’s also a time saving way to give your entire body a little TLC. With all that in mind, you shouldn’t be second-guessing whether regularly massaging your feet before bed is a good idea, and are now probably wondering how best to go about it. Well, that’s actually pretty simple too – all you need to do is firmly apply pressure to a spot on your sole with your thumb and rotate, moving intermittently to different spots over a 10-15 minute period. Easy!

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