“They” (and it is never made entirely clear who 'they' are) have a secret code that helps other who are in the know, choose toothpastes that are made entirely from healthful products. Every tube of toothpaste has a small block on colour at the base of the tube, near the seal or fold. Depending on the colour of this small block, you can ascertain the ingredients of the product, choosing the one that best suits your needs. Red blocks are said to be 'natural ingredients with some chemicals', while blue is 'natural ingredients plus some medicines'. Black is 'all chemicals', and therefore presumably 'bad' while green is 'all natural' and therefore the most desirable of the four products. In no incarnation of this myth does anyone try to explain who came up with this system of marking the tubes, nor do they explain why anyone would need to implement such a system.
The truth of the matter is that the marks are known as 'eye marks', 'colour marks' or 'printers' marks'. One school of thought, and this seems to be the most likely to be true, says that the marks are used as indicators to the high-speed light beam sensors, showing the machines where the tube should be cut and sealed or folded. The machinery senses the colour change and activates the sealing and cutting or folding mechanism, all at speeds almost too fast for the human eye to comprehend.
Another school of thought is that the marks are placed onto the tubes to line up the various colours on the tube. For example, when printing tubes, one colour is paid down first, then the next and then usually the last (more than three or four colours would make the cost of printing the tubes very expensive indeed). The marks are used to line up the three or four print runs so that the logos and images are lined up properly.
The choice of colour used for marking the base of the tube relies only upon the colours that are used in the logo itself, rather than any suspicious 'secret society' type coding. You will quickly notice that the four colours mentioned are used predominantly on toothpaste packaging. Black writing provides information, red is attractive and attention-getting and blue is associated with cleanness and good health. Green is a latecomer to the world of toothpaste manufacturing and is associated with eco-friendly and all-natural products.It is possibly the latter that helped to give credence to this urban legend, but it must be stressed that cause and effect is very different to that which the authors of the myth would have you believe! Green is used on the base of the tube because green is used in the logo or other printing on the tube – not to secretly indicate its worth but to overtly advertise it!
Just as a point of interest, despite yellow being a 'happy' and 'warm' colour as well as a bright, attention-grabbing one, you will not find yellow being used to advertise anything to do with oral care. This is because the association of'yellow' and 'teeth' conjures up images of uncared for yellowing teeth that is unpleasant and undesirable, especially in an oral health product. It is for this reason that you will never see a yellow square at the base of a toothpaste tube.
In short, the best way to find out what chemicals and natural products have been put into your toothpaste is to read the list of ingredients that will be printed somewhere on the tube. Toothpaste manufacturers and even toothpaste tube manufacturers have no reason or desire to poison or otherwise harm their end-users. In order to stay in business and keep customers coming back for more, it is in their best interests to keep their customers happy, healthy and boasting a white and healthy set of teeth!
In short, the best way to find out what chemicals and natural products have been put into your toothpaste is to read the list of ingredients that will be printed somewhere on the tube. Toothpaste manufacturers and even toothpaste tube manufacturers have no reason or desire to poison or otherwise harm their end-users. In order to stay in business and keep customers coming back for more, it is in their best interests to keep their customers happy, healthy and boasting a white and healthy set of teeth!
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