Every once in awhile, we hear a story that's so over-the-top, all we can do is shrug our shoulders and wish everyone involved the best.
This is one of those stories.
Chinese billionaire Cecil Chao is man who has it all. He made his massive fortune through real estate and luxury property development in Hong Kong, and is known for making grandiose moves with his money.
Unfortunately, the one thing that Chao couldn't buy is the thing he wanted most in the world: His only daughter is a lesbian, and he wants to pay a man to "turn her straight."
This is Chao and his daughter, Gigi.
In 2012, Chao made headlines with a shocking proposal.
He wanted to pay $60 million to any man who could "turn his daughter straight." In 2014, he upped the "dowry" to $120 million, then finally, $180 million.
K. Y. Cheng
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