Choose A Doorway And Discover Why It Terrifies You

Which one of these entryways scares you the most? Find out what this reveals about your personality

American writer and lecturer, Joseph Campbell, has penned many inspirational quotes about emotions and experiences. There are two memorable quotes which many people use to motivate themselves into changing their lives - the first is ‘Follow your bliss’ which Campbell wrote to urge individuals to find out what gives them true pleasure and use this to guide their daily lives. The second quote is ‘The cave which you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek’. This means we need to look deep into our fears and understand why we are scared, and then we can begin to overcome them and live life to its fullest. Choose A Doorway And Discover Why It Terrifies YouFind out what you truly fear, and what this says about you, by looking at these different entrances and picking the one which scares you the most. The one which fills you with the most dread is the ‘Cave you fear to enter’ and read on to discover what the treasure inside means to you. 

1 - The abandoned building

If this picture is the one you fear the most then you have a strong personality, you are self assured and confident. You live your life by a strong set of values and you expect others to do the same. This behaviour may mean, however, that you scare others away if they feel they can’t live up to your standards. You long to make relationships and connections with other people, but find it hard to do so. You want to embrace a more spiritual lifestyle but are not sure how to accomplish this. Choose A Doorway And Discover Why It Terrifies You
You need to reveal your vulnerable side, to show those near to you that you are fallible, you do have some weaknesses and you can accept other people’s flaws. Perfection is not the only goal in life; enjoying love and friendship is much more rewarding. Learn to laugh at yourself and try doing something new that you are not good at, just for fun. Take a turn a karaoke even if your voice is terrible, or bake a cake for the charity stall even though your cupcakes come out lopsided. People will respond warmly to your efforts.

2 - The glacial cave

If the ice cave fills you with fear, you are probably looking for emotional warmth and you are hoping to make a lasting relationship or friendship filled with care and affection. Fear of being alone and feeling unloved scares you the most.Choose A Doorway And Discover Why It Terrifies You
Humans prefer to be in pairs or family groups so this is a natural fear. You must take steps to form relationships, or to make new friendships if you are already a couple. Join in clubs or societies where you will meet other like-minded people and learn to say ‘yes’ quicker than you say ‘no’. Accept invitations others extend to you, stay to chat a while if someone else initiates a conversation and ask a neighbour how they are when you see them out and about.

3 - The rabbit hole

All you can see is the entrance; you cannot see what lies underground and this makes you anxious. If you fear the rabbit hole or animal burrow, you tend to like to be on familiar ground. You take pleasure in routine and prefer things to stay the same. Feedback is important to you, as is learning how you have scored in any kind of test or how you have behaved in comparison to others in any given task. Choose A Doorway And Discover Why It Terrifies You
Secretly, though, you dream of discovering your buried self, you long to be free and careless. You want to step outside your comfort zone and push your limits. To find your treasure you have to let yourself tumble down the rabbit hole just like Alice did. In other words, just go for it, let go and see what happens. You will feel liberated and excited by life again.

4 - A steep staircase

Those of you who a terrified by stairs leading down into the unknown are probably scared of death. It might be your own demise it could be the death of someone close to you. This is quite a rational fear and to combat it, you need to take control of your health and wellbeing. Choose A Doorway And Discover Why It Terrifies You
Look objectively at your life and make steps to live longer. Improve your diet, exercise more, stop smoking, cut back on alcohol, get out into the fresh air more often and try some more wholesome hobbies. If you make changes that you can feel the benefit from, it will help you overcome this fear. Being in control of your destiny will alleviate these feelings and allow you to enjoy each day as it comes.

5 - The dilapidated house

If looking at this photo leaves you feeling spooked and afraid then you, most likely, feel you have failed your family in some way. A home is the heart of family life, but to fear it falling down and broken means you are scared of letting those close to you down. It means you feel responsible and that you want to provide the best you can. This means you are generous and like to look after others, but the responsibility is overwhelming and this terrifies you. Choose A Doorway And Discover Why It Terrifies You
To find your treasure you need to accumulate wealth - you will have to work hard and invest well from early on to realise your dreams. Educate yourself on how to make your money work the hardest and don’t take risks with it. This way your saving will hold you in good stead to provide what you want for your nearest and dearest. Knowing you have a a good plan in place will stop your nightmare from coming true.

6 - A forbidding tunnel

A dark tunnel with dirty water running along the bottom symbolises clouded thought and a muddled life. If your worse fear is to go into a cave with a murky atmosphere, it indicates you need some kind of cleanse, you will feel better with things neatly sorted, tidied up and organised.Choose A Doorway And Discover Why It Terrifies You
You are not comfortable when things in your life go stale or out of date so look deep into your consciousness and discover what it is that is holding you back. Trust your instincts and try something new, maybe you need a new job, to end a relationship or to move house. It could be you need to reshuffle your schedule and create some time to be that person you want to be instead of running around after others. You seek self assurance and you can find this if you reshape your life.

7 - The opening to a well

If you are terrified of going down a well, it could mean you are uncomfortable in your own company. The thought of sitting at the bottom of a well with nothing to do or see and while you wait endlessly for help scares you - it is boring and you have no control.Choose A Doorway And Discover Why It Terrifies You
You seek constant entertainment and want something new and exciting in your life all the time. You might have trouble committing to one person in a relationship and find you are always moving on. If you are currently stifling this and forcing yourself stick to one situation, perhaps now is the time to get out and have a wild adventure. Answer your inner calling to do something big, crazy and even reckless to get it out of your system once and for all. Get the map out and go somewhere you have always wanted to go or sign up to a college course you have longed to join, you need to push yourself along and see where it leads

8 - A heavy door

The immovable door represents the fear of being incarcerated, of being locked up and prevented from seeing loved ones. Usually this kind of person is a stickler for the rules - someone who abides by the law 100% and gets very frustrated with those who don’t. They like things to be orderly, routine and regular and are not very good with handling people who are not the same. The are incapable of colouring outside of the lines and are very straight in their way of thinking.Choose A Doorway And Discover Why It Terrifies You
You have some excellent traits, you are hardworking, trustworthy and reliable so be kind to yourself. You seek comfort and the ability to unwind and relax so try letting a few small things slip and see that life is ok if this happens. If you can do that, you will be able to forgive other people who do the same and you will feel yourself relax. Take some small steps towards loosening the high standards you have set for yourself and enjoy the simple pleasures life offers.

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