1. Computers are smaller, people are bigger
It's a sad fact that as computers have shrunk over the years, people have become bigger and bigger. Obesity is a growing problem in many countries, and this is all the fault of these tiny computers, and the thoroughly inactive lifestyle they encourage us to lead.2. Pictures have become much more 'selfie'ish
Remember when holiday snaps used to be shots of the whole family playing on the beach? Now you'll find that your own face (and feet) seem to feature an awful lot more, thanks to the rise of the 'selfie', and the world’s new obsession with 'selfie sticks'.
3. Getting snail mail is a lot more exciting
We used to get so excited to receive a new email; now our inboxes are clogged with spam and messages we should have replied to weeks ago. Getting a letter in the post is almost a treat in comparison with the daily inbox purge. Plus no one expects you to reply immediately!4. Children are teaching their parents how to use technology
As children, we're so dependent on our parents to teach us everything. Now parents are becoming more and more reliant on their children to help them use new technology. Apple Stores will soon be full of 10-year-old 'geniuses' helping all the confused adults use their new phones and tablets.5. Playing computer games now requires your credit card details
6. Getting poor grades is all your teacher's fault now
Teachers are under a lot more pressure. If you got an 'F' in school back in the 1960s, your parents would ground you for a month (or worse). Nowadays, parents are much more likely to storm into school and blame the teacher for their little darling’s failure.7. Televisions are slimmer than most people now
8. Philosophy has become a lot less sophisticated
Philosophers used to ponder the really important questions in life. Now our 'philosophers' are rappers and reality TV stars, and the quality of their philosophical ponderings is much less sophisticated. The Ancient Greeks had Aristotle; we have Lil’ Jon. Don’t forget people, this is how we'll be remembered by future generations.
9. How we waste our time has developed through the decades
Every decade has its crazes - remember yo-yos and Tamagotchis? We've moved on now, from posting our every move on Facebook, to looking at funny cartoons about how we post our every move on Facebook, to looking at funny cartoons about how we look at funny cartoons…and so it goes on. 10. Phones haven't improved in every aspect
11. Going for a run is now a social (media) event
Running has become an activity worthy of social media. We used to go running to keep fit. Now we do it to fill our timelines with mid-run selfies and motivational status updates which, let's face it, are mainly posted to make our less fit friends jealous. It definitely works.12. Special effects are less special
13. No one calls each other anymore
Remember when you had to call your friends on the landline, and risk speaking to their parents? Before text messaging, chatting on the phone was the only way to stay in touch. Why would you send a message, when you could pick up the phone and have a proper conversation? How things have changed.
14. We sit alone in our rooms, counting our 'friends'
Social interaction used to be a lot more...well, social. Birthdays meant parties and calls from your friends and family. Who needs a party now though, when that friend you haven't spoken to in years (and don’t really like), has posted a picture of a cat in a party hat on your Facebook wall? 15. It's not just parents who will take away your internet
16. Remember when your phone was attached to the wall?
We take it for granted that phones are as mobile as us, but it wasn't so long ago that their ancestors had 'tails'. Perhaps your parents even had a special table in the hall for the phone. It seems funny now, but our children will learn about this in museums.
17. Water has become as precious as gold
18. One day men will have to pull their saggy trousers behind them
Have you noticed the trend for men to wear their trousers lower and lower? Scientists predict this will continue well into the 21st century, and will end with men first wearing their trousers around their ankles, and then having to pull them along behind them.19. Doctors' bills have become scarier than injections
As children, we used to be afraid of getting an injection at the doctors. Now we just fear getting the bill at the end of the appointment. There's nothing so scary as realising how much you have to pay to be sick.20. Family dinnertimes have become much more smartphone orientated
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