Decoding The Meanings Of Your Dreams

During sleep you would think that this is a time for the mind to rest and take stock, and for the most part it is. However, for one reason or another the mind tends to sometimes fire off unconsciously during sleep, resulting in weird and wonderful dreams that can be interpreted as having a significant meaning to one’s state of mind or place in life. Whether you’re anxious about something or excited for the future, this can have an effect on the types of dreams you experience. To find out more about the meanings of your dreams, take a look at our rundown of the most common examples below.

Losing Teeth and Attractiveness

Your teeth falling out during a dream is a common occurrence for many and is often associated with anxiety. The cliché was that losing your teeth in a dream was symbolic of a bad omen, but there have been various studies confirming that anxiety is the driving force here. Specifically, this type of dream reflects a time of change when you may not feel that you are as attractive as you once were or you’re afraid of losing your looks in the near future. Decoding the Meanings of Your Dreams
Growing old and fearing rejection are particular catalysts for teeth-related dreams, and research has found that menopausal women are more likely to experience them. The teeth are an apt focus in dreams relating to attractiveness because they are one of the most important features of the face. Our teeth are on display regularly when we smile and talk, and can have a great affect on our confidence. By association, then, losing your teeth in dreams can symbolise a broader sense of how you see yourself and your place in the world, as well as what you think the future holds. If you think that you’re losing your looks and are anxious about it then teeth crumbling away or falling out in your dreams may reflect this.

Sleep Paralysis and Mute Dreams

If you physically can’t speak or move during a dream, this could be what’s known as sleep paralysis. During an episode of sleep paralysis, your mind is awake while your body is still in sleep mode, resulting in the often frightening experience of being able to comprehend your surroundings while unable to move. People who have experienced this phenomenon often describe it as being dreamlike on reflection, rather than something that actually happened in real life. Sleep paralysis has been associated with various conditions, including anxiety disorders and narcolepsy but can also occur randomly. Decoding the Meanings of Your Dreams
During an actual dream in which you can’t speak, or there is silence, there is a range of meaning you can take from this relating to communication. It may be that you need to open up more with people, or there is a romantic interest you haven’t asked out yet. On the other hand, a mute dream could be your dream-mind saying speaking isn’t necessary and listening is important. The context of the dream will determine these interpretations. If you’re searching for something in a mute dream then you could see yourself as having a purpose.

Being in a Powerful Position

Dreaming of working in a position of power can mean you are compensating for a lack of power in real life. A common example of the type of dreams people have is being the president – the ultimate position of power. While this seems like a grandiose and indulgent type of dream, it’s thought that dreaming of being the president or any other person of power can counter against the stress of a less powerful position in the real world. Decoding the Meanings of Your Dreams
Other examples of common dream scenarios of this type include being a king or a CEO of a large company. Also, being in a position to have control over other people in your dreams may indicate a sense of helplessness in real life. Ultimately, this type of dream will cover up or compensate for the anxieties of everyday life in which many problems could be solved by having greater power or money.

Falling in Dreams

You’re standing on a cliff and you suddenly fall, but the drop is never-ending. This sense of falling is often associated with the feeling of being overwhelmed or not having as much control as you’d like in life. However, some say that falling in dreams actually means falling from grace, which is a more literal meaning. It’s more accepted, though, that falling into a void or having the floor collapse under you in a dream is related to control, or lack thereof. Decoding the Meanings of Your Dreams
Not being in control in life can bring about stress and anxiety, and anxiety is a common trigger for dreams. You may have lost a job or experienced a recent bereavement. While falling in dreams has a general interpretation for many, like all dreams the specific details have significance. Being pushed in a dream and falling can mean someone is pressuring you too much, while trying to hold on for dear life can have significance in the fact that you’re trying to fix things in real life.

Dreams Related to the Previous Day

Often a dream will relate to the previous day in some way but the details change depending on the dreamer’s state of mind. It may be that something happened during the day or the dreamer had a particular thought that followed on into a dream. These dreams can sometimes be incredibly lucid, and when you come to recollect your thoughts in the morning, or think back to the dream later in the day, the dream may seem like it actually happened at first. Decoding the Meanings of Your Dreams
Sometimes, a stressful situation or event the previous day can trigger a related dream with details changed to reflect your feelings. For example, if you dreamt that you were stuck in traffic and it was a frustrating experience, you may dream about criticising the government while in conversation with someone. You dreams may also be symbolic of the previous day’s events such as when having a debate with someone about religion, you’ll dream of crosses.

Dreaming of a Deceased Loved One

When a family member dies, it’s not unusual to dream of that person as if they continued on living, and it can be an important part of the grieving process for many. The unconscious mind will mix fantasy with reality as a way to satisfy the want of the conscious mind to bring the deceased person back to life. Like many experiences relating to loved ones who have passed on (séances, mediums, etc.), some people believe that these kind of dreams are real communications with the dead. Decoding the Meanings of Your Dreams

Regardless of whether you believe this, the meaning behind these dreams can be interpreted with confidence. To determine the message of a dream involving a deceased loved one, considering details such as setting and circumstances are important. Strong and emotional dreams of loved ones no longer here often occur as a way to release the mental stress of bereavement. Unresolved conflicts might manifest themselves in dreams where you are searching for something, while dark and disturbing nightmares will reflect the traumatic nature of a loved one’s passing.

Chasing in Dreams

A chase dream is another type of dream that results from anxiety experienced in the real world. It often involves being hunted down by a monster, animal or attacker and results in an instinctive response of your unconscious self to flee and avoid danger. This response is a reflection of the tendency the dreamer has to avoid difficult issues. Decoding the Meanings of Your Dreams
Working out the thing that is chasing you in your dreams will give you a better understanding of the source of your problems. Another way of looking at it is to consider that the chaser is a part of you. Whether you are angry or jealous and these emotions are threatening your well-being, or the chaser is symbolic of a part of your character, knowing this can help diagnose the issue. On the other hand, if it is you that is doing the chasing, then this may represent your drive to go after something.

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