When you age, the changes in your body match how you've treated it: your features, as they mature, start to reveal more and more of you as a person. Even scars do this. Most overlooked of all might be the wrinkles all around our faces. Every wrinkle in every position might say something about you!
For example...
Thought-filled forehead
As the place where the mind rests, the wrinkles on your forehead say a lot about your mindset. Horizontal wrinkles are common, but the number of them is what tells the most: two wrinkles indicate someone of pride, with an unwavering mindset as wrapped up tightly within itself as something contained by two great sheets.Meanwhile, three wrinkles indicate someone who is serene, with a great deal of control over themselves and their thoughts. Regardless of the exact number, horizontal wrinkles indicate an intelligent and thoughtful person – someone who may have too many thoughts to be so easily contained by their forehead!
Questioning eyebrows
The kind of wrinkle that runs between the eyebrows and often bends down or up, like a groove, is the kind of wrinkle you might see on someone with authority and wisdom: that is, after all, what it represents. If wrinkles sit above someone's eyes and to the side like that, you'll probably notice – and they'll probably make it clear.The crows above the eyes
A type of wrinkle so infamous as to be named is "crow's feet". They form around the eyes, particularly at their far sides where the eyelid ends and meets the cheekbone. They're also called laugh lines by some – but whatever they are, they're a good sign of a life well spent.Looking below the eyes
Bags underneath the eyes are never a good sign, and we all know it. But wrinkles in that location are also a sign of chronic fatigue – either from experiences or just from one's lifestyle.Washing the wrinkles behind your ears
The shape of the ears is just as important as the wrinkles they bear. Wrinkles between the neck and ear are a good sign, much as having ears that are separated from the neck is a good sign: both represent clarity of mind, and an endowment of physical capacity.Puffy cheeks
Large horizontal wrinkles on the cheeks are a good sign – they're a sign that the person behind the wrinkles is easily expressed to the world around them, and, like with "crow's feet" below the eyes, they show that a person is open enough to express all of that.A strong chin, wrinkled or not
The chin, itself, says even more on its own than wrinkles there do. Someone whose chin wrinkles with a prominent downwards shape, sort of like a "U", is probably quite stubborn – they might hang their mouth open in disbelief often, or they might simply have grown that way thanks to their own inclinations.The strength of the neck
Horizontal lines on the neck are often a good sign. Just as wrinkles on the mouth and lips show that a person is talkative, and how, wrinkles on the neck show that a person is willing to breathe and swallow – be it the air they need to live, the truths they need to hear, or just the day's supper.Words from one's mouth
A wrinkled mouth is one that's seen a lot of use. Of course, our mouths do a lot for us beyond just talking – they quiver, they stiffen, they take in the food we eat. Someone with a lot of vertical lines just above their upper lip probably hasn't been opening it to talk enough: keeping a "stiff upper lip", they might be dissatisfied with life or just exceedingly quiet, or they've turned to smoking to help deal with things – a common cause of these sorts of wrinkles.
And words from one's lips
Lips which bear a large number of wrinkles may have cracked over the years, or they may be a sign of ongoing poor health. After all, lips are extremely sensitive – the wrinkles that form near them match that sensitivity, and can represent problems with the digestive tract, with the personality, with the weather or with the environment.Although some wrinkles are positive and some wrinkles are negative, with horizontal lines bringing good news and vertical lines bringing bad, wrinkles speak to your character no matter who you are or what your character is. Even if your wrinkles say that you have health problems, or smoke too much, seeing that is useful in its own way. As you age, you can trust in yourself – in your wrinkles – to tell you the subtle things you might be missing. It could be said that wrinkles are your mind's way of talking and your body's way of responding.
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