Speaking to the Daily Mail, Alan Abbott and Ron Hast recounted their experience of arriving at Ms Monroe’s residence at 5 Helena Drive following her death. “When we removed the sheet that covered her, we could not believe that it was the body of Marilyn Monroe. [Her body] looked like an old woman who had not taken care of herself.” Monroe had been dead for three hours by the time Abbott and Hast arrived, and it is clear from their words that her appearance was less than flawless at this time.
The description is certainly a stark contrast to the seemingly irrepressible beauty that Monroe projected throughout her public image; it was immediately apparent that the circumstances surrounding her death (from a barbiturate overdose) had wrought a considerable amount of damage to her once-exuberant good looks. Given Monroe’s heightened status within the public domain, her death naturally carried some severe implications and as such the investigation of her body was incredibly thorough: pathologist Thomas Noguchi examined her corpse, and Abbott recalls him searching extensively for injection sites in unusual places – from her nose and under her tongue to even her genitals – but found none anywhere other than under her arms.
Finally, the pair think back to how Monroe’s body was prepared for burial. Long-time makeup man Sydney Guilaroff and Allan ‘Whitey’ Snyder arrived to make the iconic movie star presentable. Guilaroff placed a wig on her head, and Snyder applied her makeup one last time.<br>
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