Ten Reasons Bananas Make You Slimmer.

10 - A Low Calorie Snack Alternative

Bananas are slightly higher in calories than some other fruits, but still considerably lower than chocolate and other snack foods. Ten Reasons Bananas Make You Slimmer
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With approximately 100 calories in a medium banana, this naturally sweet snack even contains fewer calories than many supposed diet snacks, while being full of flavour, naturally sweet, and packed with pectin, helping to combat a sweet tooth and ensure that you stay fuller for longer. Bananas compare even more favourably to snacks like a portion of chips, a chocolate bar, or a bowl of ice-cream, all of which can contain 300 to 400 calories or more, depending on portion size and any garnishes or accompaniments that you might include. Whether you are looking for a snack alternative, a healthy and filling breakfast, or a food stuff that is packed with flavour to include in a calorie controlled diet, the readily available banana is an excellent choice.

9 - A Low Fat Food Source

It is widely recommended that a third or less of a person’s daily calorific intake should come from fat. Therefore, most people need to reduce their fat intake, even if they do not need to greatly reduce their calorie intake. Reducing fat intake can also have the beneficial side effect that it will naturally reduce calorie intake in most diets. Ten Reasons Bananas Make You Slimmer
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Low-fat and diet foods offer a viable solution to help reduce fat intake, but so too can replacing high-fat ingredients with low fat alternatives. A single banana contains only about 0.5g of fat, which means a fat calorie ratio of 5%, which is considerably lower than the 30% that is recommended by nutritionist and dietary experts. Bananas are also considered to be low in saturated fats, and some studies have suggested that large amounts of saturated fats can lead to an increase in cholesterol levels and associated health risks, in particular coronary and heart disease

8 - Low Glycemic Index

Glycemix Index, or GI, is a relatively new method of measuring the impact of carbohydrate filled foods on blood sugar levels. While bananas are relatively high in carbohydrates, they actually have a low GI, which means that the glucose that is produced is broken down gradually. Ten Reasons Bananas Make You Slimmer
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High GI foods can cause a spike in blood sugar levels and this has been linked to certain diseases, including diabetes. Insulin is released by the body when blood sugar levels are high, caused by eating high GI foods, and it can prevent the body from releasing glucagon and stopping your body from burning fat as energy. Low GI foods, including bananas, enable your body to burn fat, rather than burning protein, and this means that any exercise you undertake while on a diet will have the desired effect of helping you to lose weight. Limiting spikes in your blood sugar can also help reduce cravings.

7 - Pectin-Filled Bananas Help Fill You Up For Longer

Pectin is a form of soft fibre that collects and retains water. It has been proven to help combat a variety of illnesses and ailments, ranging from heart disease to cancer, and it is primarily found in natural foods like fruit and vegetables. Ten Reasons Bananas Make You Slimmer
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Bananas are high in pectin and, as well as being a healthy addition that can combat disease, this natural fibre can also aid in weight loss and benefit a nutritional diet. Pectin produces energy which is used by the colon, and it also takes on water to form an undigested gelatinous mass. This mass is what makes us feel fuller for longer after eating bananas, so while it may not directly lead to weight loss, by helping to combat feelings of hunger and a desire to eat, it aids in controlling dietary intake. Stretch receptors in the stomach transmit to the brain, telling it that you are full, and the brain releases hormones that tell your body you are full. You will have less desire to keep feasting.

6 - Boost Your Metabolism

A slow metabolism is often blamed by those that struggle to lose weight despite dieting and exercising. Your metabolism is, in fact, a range of processes and reactions that take place in the body that essentially keep you alive. Ten Reasons Bananas Make You Slimmer
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Metabolism is responsible for everything from cell repair to food digestion, and what is often described as a slow metabolism is actually a low Basal Metabolic Rate; the minimum amount of energy that your body needs in order to carry out these tasks. Factors from age to genes play a part in determining your BMR, and although there is little scientific research to support the theory that fruits can help speed up your metabolism, eating fruits like bananas can help increase energy levels while reducing your calorie intake, both of which can have the same effects as increasing your metabolism.

5 - Increase Stool Weight

Losing weight, and maintaining a healthy and nutritional diet, is considered beneficial for your health. However, there are some side effects that can arise, especially if you dramatically change your diet to a calorie controlled alternative. Toxins and waste attempts to leave the system, and this can lead to loose stools. Ten Reasons Bananas Make You Slimmer
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Alternatively, the low mass of your stools may mean that you are unable to pass them on a regular basis, and this can leave you feeling uncomfortable; hardly conducive to making sure that you stick with your new weight loss plan. Bananas are packed with insoluble fibre, and this bulks up and increases the weight of your stools, helping to ensure that they are easier to pass and keeping you regular. Stools will be healthier, and because you are passing them with healthy regularity, you will not become backed up and won’t have to endure the uncomfortable feeling that accompanies this problem.

4 - A Filling Replacement For Fattening Foods

Reducing portion sizes is one means of losing weight, but it can leave you feeling unfulfilled. This means that you will be more inclined to head for the chocolate biscuits, or get the ice-cream out of the freezer when it comes to dessert time. Ten Reasons Bananas Make You Slimmer
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You will also be more likely to snack between meals, eat late at night, and adopt a number of other unhealthy eating habits. Bananas offer a healthier alternative; you can replace an unhealthy breakfast, late night snacks, or fat-laden desserts with this powerful fruit. They will leave you feeling fuller for longer, the natural sweetness will combat your sweet-tooth cravings, and you will feel all of these benefits while consuming far fewer calories over the space of the day. They’re also very easy to get hold of, with supermarkets and local shops typically stocking them throughout the year, so you won’t have the excuse that you couldn’t find them to buy chocolate and crisps instead.

3 - High In Nutrients, Low In Calories

A calorie controlled diet will help you to lose weight, when combined with regular exercise, but it is important to ensure that you maintain a healthy diet that provides all of the vitamins and nutrients that you need. If your diet is lacking one or more of these ingredients, it could make you ill. Ten Reasons Bananas Make You Slimmer
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Not only will you feel unwell, and therefore be less likely to continue with your diet and exercise regimens, but being ill could lead to weight gain and other problems. Bananas, and other fruit and vegetables, are packed full of many vitamins and nutrients, with bananas being an especially invaluable source of potassium and one of very few fruits that contain vitamin B-6, and a single banana can provide around a quarter of your daily recommended intake. B-6 helps with metabolic rate, haemoglobin formulation, and immune functioning. The fruit also contains manganese, which is another important nutrient in your daily diet.

2 - Naturally Sweetened Bananas Can Replace Unnaturally Sweetened Treats

One of the greatest obstacles to weight loss is that of a craving for sweet foods. Many people crave sugary drinks, snacks, and foods, and turn to treats like chocolate bars and cans of sugar-filled carbonated drinks as a means of satiating this desire. These snacks are not only filled with sugar, but are high in calories, while typically being low in beneficial vitamins and nutrients. Ten Reasons Bananas Make You Slimmer
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In order to maintain a healthy and nutritional diet, this means that you will naturally have to increase your calorific intake over the course of the day to counteract the effects even from a single chocolatey treat. Bananas are naturally sweet, low in calories, and nutritionally beneficial. Not only can you replace chocolate treats, but you can do so while ensuring that your body is getting invaluable nutrients like potassium, vitamin B-6, and manganese, as well as insoluble fibre.

1 - Convenient, Mess-Free, And Easy To Transport

Convenience is one of the reasons that many people turn to packets of crisps, chocolate bars, and other snacks. They are readily available in most shops, can be easily carried around, and they don’t tend to make a mess. Bananas are also available all-year round and are sold in most shops. Ten Reasons Bananas Make You Slimmer
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They have their own natural wrapper, they don’t squirt juice around, and you won’t be left with a sticky residue or film on your hands and items. They don’t require preparation, can be carried in your bag or in your hand, and you can eat them at work, in public, or wherever you might be without having to worry about the mess or fuss. Bananas may be one of the most powerful and beneficial weight-loss tools, and healthiest snack replacements you can add to your daily nutritional regimen.

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