Eight Simple Hand Exercises To Ease Arthritis Pain

Finger Lifting

In addition to medication, stress reduction techniques and other treatments there are many things you can do to help alleviate painful symptoms of arthritis.
It's important to keep active when you suffer from arthritis as regular movement and exercise will help keep your joints supple and reduce pain. But if you're worried that it may be aggravating your condition then be sure to consult a doctor for advice as they may be able to offer you a specific regime to follow so that you get the most out of the exercises.Finger Lifting
Finger lifting is a simple exercise which helps with increased flexibility and will also assist with pain and stiffness associated with arthritis.
Place your palm flat on a level surface, a table or something similar, and slowly lift each of your fingers and your thumb off the surface, do this with each digit one at a time.
Keep each finger held in position for a couple of seconds and then lower. Repeat the exercise with each finger and then do the same with your other hand.

Thumbs Up

It's important that you know your limits and that you don't over exert yourself, but regular exercise will help to improve your general fitness and joint movement.
Arthritis sufferers often lose strength in their hands and this weakness can make it hard to tackle simple everyday tasks and make many activities far more challenging. Thumbs Up For this exercise, assume the thumbs up position and place your hand on a table with your little finger resting on the surface. Keep your fingers bent inwards for a couple of seconds and then straighten them. Repeat the exercise 10 times and then do the same with your other hand.

Create an O Shape

We use our hands for everything in daily life and maintaining manual dexterity is paramount if you suffer from arthritis. Lack of exercise can make your joints more painful, so by keeping your muscles strong you will be able to maintain the vital support that your bones need and improve your endurance. Create an O Shape Begin this next exercise by holding your hand pointing upwards. Slowly bend your fingers and your thumb inwards until they meet and form an O shape. Keep your hand in this position for a few seconds and then straighten your fingers. Repeat the exercise a few times with both hands.

Thumb Stretch

Exercising can be boring, so it's important that you set yourself realisitic goals and stay motivated. Do the exercises that you enjoy and do them as frequently as possible for the best results. Most of these exercises can be done anywhere and at any time, perhaps whilst you are watching TV, working or just relaxing at home. Thumb Stretch It's important not to forget your thumb when dealing with arthritis pain in the hand. To help with this hold out your hand as if you are about to shake hands with someone and then bend your thumb inward towards your palm. Try to reach your little finger with your thumb but don't over do it, it doesn't matter if you aren't able to reach your pinky but stretch it as far as is comfortable. Keep your thumb in this position for a few seconds and then return it to the original starting position. Repeat the exercise ten times on both hands.

Finger Stretches

As well as tackling arthritis pain, exercising can also promote a healthier mental attitude and improve general well-being which will help you manage your condition with confidence. Exercising your sore hands may seem counter-intuitive, but it really will help and, apart from the physical benefits, you will also feel more in control of the disease. Finger Stretches For this exercise, once again hold out your hand ready for a handshake and then bend your thumb inwards towards your palm. Hold the position for a couple of seconds and then repeat with your index finger. Repeat the exercise with each of your fingers and do the same on your other hand.

Make a Fist

When you begin an exerise routine, start slowly and gradually increase the number of times you exercise and the duration. Doing just 5 or 10 minutes of exercise each day will help keep your joints moving and your muscles strong.Moderation will ensure that you don't cause any further damage to your joints. If you experience any pain, then stop straight away. Any pain that is stronger than what you are used to might indicate a problem which will need to be investigated by your GP.Make a Fist This is an easy exercise which can help combat stiffness and which can be done anywhere. Hold out your hand and slowly bend your fingers in towards your palm and place your thumb on the outside of the fist. This should be done gently, make sure you don't squeeze too hard.
Open your hand and straighten your fingers and then make a fist once again. Repeat the exercise ten times on both hands.

Wrist Bend

It's also important to exercise your wrist to help with your range of motion and loosen stiffness. To do this, hold your right arm out with the palm facing downwards and with your left hand carefully press down on the right hand until you feel your wrist stretching. Keep this position for a couple of seconds and repeat ten times. Don't forget to do the same exercise on the other hand. Wrist Bend Keeping your joints warm can also help alleviate the symptoms of arthritis as circulation is improved with the introduction of heat and can help relax tightened muscles thereby diminishing painful tension in the hand. Many of these exercises can be performed whilst submerged in warm water and this will ease the process.

Straight Knuckles

Some exercises can do more harm than good so always be careful. Anything that hurts your fingers or hands should be avoided.
For this exercise, hold your hand and fingers straight and close together and then bend the end and middle joints of each digit. Keep your knuckles straight and move your fingers slowly and smoothly. If you can, repeat this ten times on each hand.
If, once you have completed your routine, your hand pain feels worse than when you started then you may have pushed yourself too far and may need to seek medical advice. You should not experience any discomfort following your exercises but if you do then make sure you rest your hand completely before commencing further exercises.Straight Knuckles If a joint is hot or swollen then you will need to use an ice pack to bring down the inflamation. Other steps can be taken to help protect your hands and ensure that they continue to function as well as possible, for example you can soak your hands in warm water each morning to reduce stiffness. Some sufferers also use hand and wrist splints to help align and support the affected joints and your doctor or physical therapist will be able to offer advice on the right device for you.

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