Nicotine remains in the body for around 8 hours after smoking a cigarette, before finally passing out of the system. Nicotine is most often expelled via urine, although the remaining nicotine that isn’t initially removed from the body remains in the bloodstream for around 2-3 days. Indicators of nicotine and the adverse effects it can cause, can persist in the human body for upwards of 25 days. To ensure complete freedom from smoking, and that your system is free from its reliance on nicotine, a change in diet is often called for, although changes to your lifestyle need not be monumental. It’s easy to straighten your system out with a healthy eating detox, with plenty of everyday foods readily available, well known for their health promoting properties.
1. Vegetables:
If you’re giving up smoking, working a healthy portion of vegetables into your diet is essential to make sure your vitamin and energy levels are at their optimum. Used properly, the right vegetables can help ease symptoms of nicotine withdrawal, and help smokers abstain from resuming their habit. Upping your intake of veggies brings obvious health benefits, but it’s essential to rule out a few suspect foodstuffs if you’re serious about kicking the habit.Vegetables always offer the better option if you’re looking nip nicotine cravings in the bud, generally being rich in fibre and immune system boosting minerals that’ll improve health overall. Meats, sugary foods and beverages, and even sweeter varieties of vegetable have all been known to aggravate cravings for cigarettes. Certain veggies like celery and green beans on the other hand, are known to sour the taste of nicotine, discouraging use and dependence on cigarettes. Establishing the right diet, rich in the right kinds of vegetables, is essential in staving off the most adverse effects of nicotine withdrawal and the cravings that follow. As a general rule, avoid anything sweet and high in natural or artificial sugars.
2. Nettles:
Stinging nettles are a commonly occurring plant ripe for harvest, and ideal for helping remove nicotine from the bloodstream and body. Nettles are rich in iron and protein, perfect for staving off infections and common illnesses, and are well known for their anti-bacterial properties. Nettles are easily harvested, and the signature sting of the leaf is quickly removed after a short time cooking. The whole plant provides sustenance and health benefits, with the roots and seeds also utilised in some medicines for their therapeutic and infection fighting properties.3. Water:
Keeping hydrated is crucial in ensuring your body properly recovers and replenishes after you kick the habit. One of smoking’s many side effects id dehydration, and typical withdrawal symptoms will also leave you feeling thirsty. Drinking plenty of water not only helps fight cravings, but helps clean out your entire system and flush out any remaining nicotine. Once you’ve got your cravings under control, drinking plenty of water should become a standard party of your new daily regime if you want to maintain the benefits of rehydration.4. Carrot & Vegetable Juices:
There’s no easier way of getting a quick shot of good old vitamin C into your system then fruit and vegetable juices. If you’re looking for higher nutritional value, go for veggie juicers over fruits. The latter can be high in naturally occurring sugars and fasts, as well as artificial sweeteners and additives if the juice is made from concentrate. If you’re looking for a quick vitamin boost, carrot juice packs plenty into one punch, being high in vitamins A, B and C.5. Broccoli:
Some love it, others hate it. Broccoli isn’t everyone’s favourite green, but if you’re looking to flush nicotine out of your system, this vitamin rich vegetable is a great go-to for proven detox properties. Broccoli is naturally rich in B and C vitamins, helping promote overall good health and high metabolism, along with immune boosting properties to help aid in the cell repair, and replenish the damage created by harmful toxins.6. Oranges:
Smoking regularly strips the body of vital vitamins, making it vital to replenish these low levels with an improved diet rich in vitamin C. Oranges are a good source, and purer orange juices offer a more convenient way of upping your intake throughout the day. A diet rich in oranges and vitamin C foodstuffs has will help improve metabolism levels, and have been observed to help rid the body of nicotine traces faster.7. Kiwi Fruit:
Another fruit bowl favourite, kiwi fruit are packed with vitamins, and make a worthwhile addition to your plate if you’re not eating them already. With high levels of vitamins A, C and E, kiwi fruits help replenish the vital vitamins that are lost to the adverse effects of smoking, and can help lagging immune systems recover from long term exposure to harmful toxins. Both the seeds and flesh of the fruit are highly nutritious, and can be easily worked into classic fruit salads, or experimental cuisine for the adventurous home chef.8. Spinach:
Any healthy eater will sing spinach praises, and the iron rich leaf deserves every word of praise. Spinach leaves are readily available throughout the year, and make an ideal addition to home cooking, or juicing recipes if you’re after a quick fix of vitamin C and folic acid blended into your favourite smoothie. For more traditional cooks, spinach can be easily chopped and added to most casserole dishes and stir fried meals, or roasted and dried for a crisper, savoury flavour still packed with iron rich goodness to help your body replenish vital vitamins that have been lost to smoking and harmful toxins.9. Pine Needle Tea:
A mainstay of traditional medicine for centuries, pine needle tea is an ancient recipe that is particularly useful to former smokers. Pine needle has naturally occurring disinfectant qualities, and is especially good at clearing the mouth and throat. For long term smokers, regular intake of properly prepared pine needle today can help restore oral health and stave off more serious conditions, as well as promote better breathing and clearer lungs.For More Posts Go To Main Blog
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